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Funding page

From here you can follow the crowd-funding advancement daily updated.
So far, LayOver S.N.'s has collected from donations a total amount of:


Funding timeline

Done Create Believe.Productions LLC
To release LayOver Social Network, "I" needs to be turned into "WE". The first step will be to create Believe.Productions Limited Liability Company.
Done National Trade Mark name application
To prevent our application's name to be stolen by someone else, we need to trade mark it.
Done National Trade Mark logo application
To prevent our application's logo to be stolen by someone else, we need to trade mark it.
Done National Trade Mark icon application
To prevent our application's icon to be stolen by someone else, we need to trade mark it.

Done Official website
People has to know about us, about our projects and if social networks are good to share info, we need something to be shared. An official website is the best option to present our projects to the World. For that, we need a WebHost and a domain.
Done iOS Developer programm
If we want to release the application on iTunes Store, which is the case, we need to pay for Apple's Developer Program.
Done Google Developer Programm
If we want to release the application on iTunes Store, which is the case, we need to pay for Google's Developer Program.

Done Crowd-Funding goodies
We want to thank every investor and donor for their contributions with goodies like the famous "Remove Before flight" key chain in the effigy of LayOver Social Network, mugs, posters and a carefully designed photo-book with all the Art Work done so far on the project and the company.
Done LayOver S.N.'s development for iOS
To initialize this project with a minimum cost, I will be the one coding the first version of LayOver Social Network for iOS versions. Your investment will support my work and allow me to spend time on the application and still be able to pay the bills at the end of each months.
Done LayOver S.N.'s development for Android
To initialize this project with a minimum cost, I will be the one coding the first version of LayOver Social Network for Android versions. Your investment will support my work and allow me to spend time on the application and still be able to pay the bills at the end of each months.

Done Terms and Conditions
To limit expenses, when LayOver S.N. will be on Beta Testing, we will use a free Terms and Conditions Generator for mobile applications. As our privacy policy is pretty simple: We don't keep any sensitive information in our DataBase, we won't be risking to much. But we do need at some point to pay someone to redact them in the right way.
Done Privacy Policy
Same as above. You agree not to share any sensitive information on LayOver S.N. so there's nothing you don't want to share to the World in our Database. Other than what you share, we don't use any of your personal data to sell it to third party companies. When fully released, we'll still need a well redacted Privacy Policy.

Done LayOver S.N.'s development in Swift
As good as the application can be in its original state, it stays a webapp which means that there are several aspects that could be optimized coding the application in iOS native code. Our objective is to hire our first programmers to work exclusively on our projects.
Done LayOver S.N.'s development in Java
As good as the application can be in its original state, it stays a webapp which means that there are several aspects that could be optimized coding the application in Android native code. Our objective is to hire our first programmers to work exclusively on our projects.

Done Extend Trade Mark name application
Trade Marking the name Nationally doesn't protect from it's usage in any other country where the application's name is not registered.
Done Extend Trade Mark logo application
Trade Marking the logo Nationally doesn't protect from it's usage in any other country where the application's logo is not registered.
Done Extend Trade Mark icon application
Trade Marking the icon Nationally doesn't protect from it's usage in any other country where the application's icon is not registered.
